Autotrol 255 Series Water Softeners
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Luxury Water Autotrol 255 Series water softeners are the market leader in reliable water conditioning control valves. Available in a metered model 460i, and 460TC standard time clock model. The 460i demand control provides your home with conditioned water based on your family’s water usage, and regenerates only when needed. This environment-friendly control ensures you years of soft water; saving you money, water, and regenerant. The 460TC standard control is a reliable timer that allows the user to program the days between regenerations from 1- 30 days. Both timers feature a bright LED display.
460i Demand Control Features:
*Regenerates only when needed based on water usage
*NOVRAM memory will retain all settings in event of power failure
*Calendar override automatically regenerates the system at a time interval you select if usage hasn’t initiated a regeneration
*Solid-state electronics guarantee many years of usage
*Low-voltage power source is safe to use in your home
460TC Control Features:
*Option to set timer to regenerate between 1-30 days
*Easy control settings
*NOVRAM memory will retain settings in event of power failure
*Solid State electronics guarantee many years of usage
*Low-voltage power source is safe to use in your home